Pain Killers
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Post  Admin Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:47 pm

Pain Killers Recruitment

Pain Killers; are recruiting 5-10 experienced players to join an independant small clan in regular PvP

We are also looking for a limited number of relatively new players that are looking for a clan to comit to for the long haul, to grow with us as we help you grow to your full potential in Darkfall. You must have played for at least 1 month.

We are an independant clan, outside of any alliance for the time being, and intend to focus on group PVP and PVE.
Recruits will undergo a trial period until you can be sure that you are happy with us, and we can be sure that you are the right fit for the clan.
We are not a strict hardcore guild that "lusts" for great achievements... Our main purpose is to be with friends!

Submit an application with the following information written below.

- Character Name:
- Real Name:
- Real Age:
- Location:
- Current Build:
- Raiding Experience:
- Gaming Hours (when you are mainly online related to GMT time) :

Now abit more indepth:

- Tell us about yourself as a person.

- Tell us about your previous mmo's you played, guilds and pvp experience?

- Previous Guilds and why you left them?

- Who was the guild master and would they give you reference? (Good or Bad)

- Do you have any experience running a crafter business in a mmo environment?

- Tell us about your feat build and gear. Is it PvP or PvE (or do you have both) Would you respec if required?

- What expectations you have from your character development.

- Tell us what expectations you have from PK as your guild and home during the gametime.

- Add a joke or a funny experience from a previous MMO. ( it can be skipped but can be a bonus when evaluating the application )


Posts : 54
Join date : 2010-08-04

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